🛠️Modifications (개선점)

Summaries of the changes implemented in the fork.

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In the interest of transparency, we would like to outline the modifications made in the fork:

1. Implements IKIP7Receiver for compatibility with KIP7 (Klaytn's own fungible token standard):

The IKIP7Receiver interface introduces the onKIP7Received function, which handles the receipt of KIP-7 tokens. KIP-7 smart contracts call this function on the recipient after a safeTransfer. Returning any value other than the magic value(0x9d188c22) will result in the transaction being reverted.

interface IKIP7Receiver {
    function onKIP7Received(
        address _operator,
        address _from,
        uint256 _amount,
        bytes memory _data
    ) external returns (bytes4);

Tonic Instances(ETHTonic and ERC20Tonic), implements the onKIP7Received function as follows:

function onKIP7Received(
        address _operator,
        address _from,
        uint256 _amount,
        bytes memory _data
    ) external pure returns (bytes4) {
        return 0x9d188c22;

2. Make it possible for the owner to withdraw unrelated tokens(airdrops) from the contract:

The fork incorporates the Ownable functionality, allowing the owner of the contract to withdraw unrelated tokens, such as tokens received through airdrops (this is why we implemented IKIP7Receiver for ETHTonic as well).

This feature provides more control and flexibility for the contract owner in managing unexpected token transfers to the contract.

// ETHTonic (Tonic Instance for Native Tokens)

// Only contract-based tokens, just in case for airdrops!
receive() external payable {}

function transfer(address _recipient, address _token, uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {
    IToken token = IToken(_token);
    token.transfer(_recipient, _amount);
// ERC20Tonic (Tonic instance of ERC20/KIP7)

// Only 1) native token and 2) contract-based tokens that is not deposit token, just in case for airdrops!
receive() external payable {}

function transfer(address _recipient, uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {

function transfer(address _recipient, address _tokenAddr, uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {
    require(_tokenAddr != address(token), "token address should not be the same as deposit token");
    IToken transferableToken = IToken(_tokenAddr);
    transferableToken.transfer(_recipient, _amount);

3. Added state variables to keep track of stats, enabling queries in our frontend app:

The fork introduces two new state variables, numberOfDeposits and numberOfWithdrawals, to maintain statistics on the number of deposits and withdrawals. This allows users to access these statistics through the frontend app using multicall.

// values to keep track of stats
uint256 public numberOfDeposits;
uint256 public numberOfWithdrawals;

4. Implemented TonicFeePolicyManager to manage the policy of withdrawal fees:

Tonic employs the newly-added TonicFeePolicyManager contract to manage withdrawal fee policies. You can view the code here. Our contracts have the feePolicyManager state (which is set by the initial constructor and cannot be changed afterward) and include three internal view functions: _feeNumerator(), _feeDenominator(), and _treasury(). These functions return the fee numerator, fee denominator, and treasury address, respectively, querying the TonicFeePolicyManager with each call.

In the _processWithdraw function within the Tonic instances, the treasuryFee is calculated, and the recipientAmount is determined by subtracting the treasuryFee and _relayerFee from the denomination.

// Tonic instances
uint256 treasuryFee = (denomination * _feeNumerator()) / _feeDenominator();
uint256 recipientAmount = denomination - treasuryFee - _relayerFee;

For ETHTonic (Tonic Instance for Native Tokens), the treasuryFee is transferred to the treasury address.

// ETHTonic (Tonic Instance for Native Tokens)
if (treasuryFee > 0) {
    (bool feeSuccess, ) = _treasury().call{ value: treasuryFee }("");
    require(feeSuccess, "payment to treasury did not go thru");

For ERC20Tonic (Tonic instance of ERC20/KIP7), the treasuryFee is safely transferred to the treasury address using the safeTransfer function.

// ERC20Tonic (Tonic instance of ERC20/KIP7)
if (treasuryFee > 0) {
    token.safeTransfer(_treasury(), treasuryFee);

Last updated